Tagget med public procurement

What companies want from municipalities to strengthen sustainability?

170 views 23. november 2023

84% of the companies consider it important that municipalities take more active role in supporting a sustainable transitions. Only 1% consider the municipalities to have a big or very big role in sustainabilitywork today. Municipalities do not use all the possibilities they have to be a driving force for sustainable transitions. Often the...

Findings from BDO report: What do companies want from the municipalities?

219 views 23. november 2023

In this video, Line Begby, manager advisor at BDO, presents central findings from a BDO report, on what companies wants from municipalities: a large majority finds it important that municipalities take an active role in supporting the sustainable transition, but only a minority finds that the municipalities already do so. When it comes to...

Sustainable Catering

158 views 23. november 2023

Asle A. Orseth, senior advisor in the procurement department of the University of Oslo explains, in this video, how he has worked with the University’s new catering contract. They have put sustainability high on the agenda, and has set a new standard for catering. They used a fixed price competition and have implemented an incentive model. One...